PSC Update
Facing Mars is now closed. The Race exhibit ships in on January 19 and will open to the public on January 30th. There will be a donors event on the 29th. We have a number of exciting events planned over the run of Race. More about that later.The next exhibit will be Scream Machines, which many of the staff at LHS will be familiar with. We hope to have it open over Memorial Day weekend and it will close sometime in January.
The new vehicle has been wrapped with the LHS logo.
The ingenuity lab was very popular over the break, especially challenges that involved the marble run. We may want to incorporate a marble run type event into one of the upcoming Geek Outs.
To date, the Home School Classes have had 224 signups. This is a new venture for us and it appears to be doing well.
As mentioned earlier, the period from 12/21 to 12/31 is a pretty busy time. This year it was the 5th busiest out of the last 19 in terms of attendance and 4rth busiest in terms of revenue.