LHS Interactive Activity Showcase / Balloon Ride Game / EQUALS / FAMILY MATH Website....

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FAMILY MATH is a gateway to lots of great adventures in learning. Click on the activities below for more FAMILY MATH fun.

To Parents:
Is math important to your child's future? Yes! Mathematics is considered a "gatekeeper" to today's high school mathematics courses, a broad spectrum of college majors, and any number of careers.

With FAMILY MATH you don't need to be an expert to help your child in mathematics. We hope you and your family have fun solving the math activities on this Web site.

To Teachers and Parents:
FAMILY MATH believes that all children can learn and enjoy mathematics. In FAMILY MATH inexpensive materials of all kinds - beans, blocks, bottle caps, toothpicks, coins - are used to help parents and their children figure out ways to solve problems together. FAMILY MATH also helps bridge home and school.

The FAMILY MATH books are collections of mathematics and advocacy materials that work well in home settings, family classes, and the classroom. Click on each book cover to find out more.

PRINT OUT ACTIVITY: Use toothpicks for your own version of the Balloon Game, and play all the variations you can think of!
Note: Viewing and printing the sample activity will require Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download from Adobe Systems, Inc.

For Grades K-8

PRINT OUT ACTIVITY: You can make mathematical fun with a handful of beans!
Note: Viewing and printing the sample activity will require Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download from Adobe Systems, Inc.
FAMILY MATH for Young Children: Comparing

For Grades PreK-3

PRINT OUT ACTIVITY: Explore the mathematics of Cats and Canaries!
Note: Viewing and printing the sample activity will require Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download from Adobe Systems, Inc.
FAMILY MATH—The Middle School Years, Algebraic Reasoning and Number Sense

For Grades 5-8

LHS Interactive Activity Showcase / Balloon Ride Game / EQUALS / FAMILY MATH Website....