
Become a Sponsor
All funds contributed by our sponsors to the Innovations & Inspirations Benefit support the Hall directly, making possible the delivery of innovative programs, seeding new ideas, and increasing access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning experiences for youth and educators both in Northern California and around the globe.
From high-quality instructional materials, model STEM learning programs, community science festivals, and professional learning used all around the world, to field trips, workshops, and outreach offered right here in the Bay Area, the Hall is working to ensure that all young people (regardless of financial resources) have the opportunity to engage in the high-quality STEM learning they need to become the innovators and science-literate citizens of tomorrow.
Sponsors of the Hall are key to the success of this effort. In addition to the benefit of knowing that your contribution provides much-needed support to advance the Hall’s important mission, as a sponsor you will receive recognition of your generous support at the Hall’s Benefit on May 9, 2019.
Sponsorship Opportunities
To discuss your sponsorship, please contact:
Deb Danziger
Phone: 510-643-0406
Download Sponsorship Packet
You may also attend the event as a guest by purchasing an individual ticket.
$75,000 [C] Diamond Partner
- Preferred seating for table of 10 at Benefit
- Recognition as Diamond Partner in program, invitation, and collateral materials, as well as in event publicity and advertising
- Premier recognition at Benefit
- 250 free individual passes to the Hall
- Year of 2-for-1 passes to the Hall for employees
- Post-event recognition as a sponsor of the event
$50,000 [Au] Gold Partner
- Preferred seating for table of 10 at Benefit
- Recognition as Gold Partner in program, invitation, and collateral materials
- 100 free individual passes to the Hall
- Year of 2-for-1 passes to the Hall for employees
- Post-event recognition as a sponsor of the event
$25,000 [Ag] Silver Partner
- Table of 10 at Benefit
- Recognition as Silver Partner in program, invitation, and collateral materials
- 50 free Individual Passes to the Hall
- Year of 2-for-1 passes to the Hall for employees
- Post-event recognition as a sponsor of the event
$10,000 [Al] Aluminum Partner
- Table of 10 at Benefit
- Recognition as Aluminum Partner in program, invitation, and collateral materials
- Post-event recognition as a sponsor of the event
$1,000 Individual Patron
- Premier seating for one person at Benefit
- Listing as Patron in program, invitation, and collateral materials
[Ag] Silver Partner

[Al] Aluminum Partner

$1,000 Individual Patron
Paul Bartlett and Yumi Nakagawa
Gibor Basri
Sharon Bonner-Brown
Roger and Pat Falcone
Joan Finnie
Rebekah and Larry Helzel
Paul Hertelendy
Brian Metcalf
Susan Miller and Walter Moos
Jonathan Osborn
Kim Polese
Sarah Brown Peterson
Don and Victoria Proctor