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Help Movies: Picture Post

Picture Post
Title: Picture Post
Type: Temporal (Study over time) Investigation
Time: 10 min 27 sec
Essential Questions: What is Picture Post? What is the purpose of a Picture Post and how is it used?

Description: Picture Post is a tool which was invented to provide a low-cost way to use a hand-held digital camera to take standardized images of a park or forest or any setting. The program shows the physical characteristics of a Picture Post, height, size of the camera mount, and where to order a Picture Post. There are numerous examples of how to use Picture Post, including environmental monitoring, community planning, and studies of land cover (phenology), canopy and sky cover, water level and quality, and ice cover. Digital images can be sent to a website dedicated to the collection and display of Picture Post images from around the world.

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Last Updated: April 14, 2015