Ooey, Gooey Chemistry
Slimy Slime Science Kit

Developed by GEMS with Scientific Explorer

$19.95, Ages 6—Adult

Create different kinds of slime...make it glow in the dark. Mix some glittery slime, slip in some plastic ants, and have a contest to see how far slime oozes.

For years students in classrooms all over the world have learned about scientific inquiry by exploring the unique properties of Oobleck. No one really knows why this intriguing material behaves the way it does—even Albert Einstein wrote an article about it in 1906! Oobleck is a non-Newtonian liquid. Sometimes it acts like a liquid; sometimes like a solid. But why?

Whatever you do to this enjoyable substance, Oobleck spells fun.

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Selected as a Top 20 Toy for 2002-2003 by The Lion & Lamb Project.

Contents include corn starch, glitter, food coloring, ants, and more.