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How can parents help their children with math
at home? With over 300 pages of lively activities, the classic FAMILY
MATH book represents one of the greatest strides taken to involve parents
in the mathematics education of their children. Using easy instructions
and simple objects such as beans, blocks, pennies, buttons, and string,
parents and kids solve problems together. FAMILY MATH is
a rich resource of math curriculum including number and estimation,
logical thinking, probability and statistics, geometry, measurement,
and calculators. The stimulating games, puzzles, and projects entice
kids in playful ways to master math concepts. Because this book reinforces
the basic school curriculum, it is also a must for teachers. The book
has a step-by-step description of how to organize a FAMILY MATH class
in your community. For families with children five to twelve years old.
Grades K-8. 318 pp.
Written by Jean Stenmark, Virginia Thompson and Ruth Cossey.
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Sample activity from the book: Use toothpicks for your own version of the Balloon Game, and play all the variations you can think of!